
242 lines
11 KiB

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pyomo.environ as pe
import pyomo.gdp as pyogdp
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from itertools import product
# check with Taha if code is too similar to Alstom?
class TheatreScheduler:
def __init__(self, case_file_path, session_file_path):
Read case and session data into Pandas DataFrames
case_file_path (str): path to case data in CSV format
session_file_path (str): path to theatre session data in CSV format
self.df_cases = pd.read_csv(case_file_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Case data not found.")
self.df_sessions = pd.read_csv(session_file_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Session data not found")
self.model = self.create_model()
def _generate_case_durations(self):
Generate mapping of cases IDs to median case time for the procedure
(dict): dictionary with CaseID as key and median case time (mins) for procedure as value
return pd.Series(self.df_cases["Median Duration"].values, index=self.df_cases["CaseID"]).to_dict()
def _generate_session_durations(self):
Generate mapping of all theatre sessions IDs to session duration in minutes
(dict): dictionary with SessionID as key and session duration as value
return pd.Series(self.df_sessions["Duration"].values, index=self.df_sessions["SessionID"]).to_dict()
def _generate_session_start_times(self):
Generate mapping from SessionID to session start time
(dict): dictionary with SessionID as key and start time in minutes since midnight as value
# Convert session start time from HH:MM:SS format into seconds elapsed since midnight
self.df_sessions.loc[:, "Start"] = pd.to_timedelta(self.df_sessions["Start"])
self.df_sessions.loc[:, "Start"] = self.df_sessions["Start"].dt.total_seconds() / 60
return pd.Series(self.df_sessions["Start"].values, index=self.df_sessions["SessionID"]).to_dict()
def _generate_disjunctions(self):
disjunctions (list): list of tuples containing disjunctions
cases = self.df_cases["CaseID"].to_list()
sessions = self.df_sessions["SessionID"].to_list()
disjunctions = []
for (case1, case2, session) in product(cases, cases, sessions):
if (case1 != case2) and (case2, case1, session) not in disjunctions:
disjunctions.append((case1, case2, session))
return disjunctions
def create_model(self):
model = pe.ConcreteModel()
# Model Data
model.CASES = pe.Set(initialize=self.df_cases["CaseID"].tolist())
model.SESSIONS = pe.Set(initialize=self.df_sessions["SessionID"].tolist())
model.TASKS = pe.Set(initialize=model.CASES * model.SESSIONS, dimen=2)
model.CASE_DURATION = pe.Param(model.CASES, initialize=self._generate_case_durations())
model.SESSION_DURATION = pe.Param(model.SESSIONS, initialize=self._generate_session_durations())
model.SESSION_START_TIME = pe.Param(model.SESSIONS, initialize=self._generate_session_start_times())
model.DISJUNCTIONS = pe.Set(initialize=self._generate_disjunctions(), dimen=3)
ub = 1440 # seconds in a day
model.M = pe.Param(initialize=1e3*ub) # big M
max_util = 0.85
num_sessions = self.df_sessions.shape[0]
# Decision Variables
model.SESSION_ASSIGNED = pe.Var(model.TASKS, domain=pe.Binary)
model.CASE_START_TIME = pe.Var(model.TASKS, bounds=(0, ub), within=pe.PositiveReals)
model.UTILISATION = pe.Var(model.SESSIONS, bounds=(0, 1), within=pe.PositiveReals)
model.MEDIAN_UTIL = pe.Var(bounds=(0, ub), within=pe.PositiveReals)
model.DUMMY_BINARY = pe.Var(model.SESSIONS, domain=pe.Binary)
model.CANCEL_SESSION = pe.Var(model.SESSIONS, domain=pe.Binary, within=pe.PositiveReals)
# Objective
def objective_function(model):
#return pe.summation(model.UTILISATION)
return model.MEDIAN_UTIL
model.OBJECTIVE = pe.Objective(rule=objective_function, sense=pe.maximize)
# Constraints
# TODO add constraint to complete before deadline if it is assigned
# TODO add constraint to make tasks follow each other without gaps?
# Case start time must be after start time of assigned theatre session
def case_start_time(model, case, session):
return model.CASE_START_TIME[case, session] >= model.SESSION_START_TIME[session] - \
((1 - model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[(case, session)])*model.M)
model.CASE_START = pe.Constraint(model.TASKS, rule=case_start_time)
# Case end time must be before end time of assigned theatre session
def case_end_time(model, case, session):
return model.CASE_START_TIME[case, session] + model.CASE_DURATION[case] <= model.SESSION_START_TIME[session] + \
model.SESSION_DURATION[session]*max_util + ((1 - model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[(case, session)]) * model.M)
model.CASE_END_TIME = pe.Constraint(model.TASKS, rule=case_end_time)
# Cases can be assigned to a maximum of one session
def session_assignment(model, case):
return sum([model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[(case, session)] for session in model.SESSIONS]) <= 1
model.SESSION_ASSIGNMENT = pe.Constraint(model.CASES, rule=session_assignment)
def no_case_overlap(model, case1, case2, session):
return [model.CASE_START_TIME[case1, session] + model.CASE_DURATION[case1] <= model.CASE_START_TIME[case2, session] + \
((2 - model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case1, session] - model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case2, session])*model.M),
model.CASE_START_TIME[case2, session] + model.CASE_DURATION[case2] <= model.CASE_START_TIME[case1, session] + \
((2 - model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case1, session] - model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case2, session])*model.M)]
model.DISJUNCTIONS_RULE = pyogdp.Disjunction(model.DISJUNCTIONS, rule=no_case_overlap)
def theatre_util(model, session):
return model.UTILISATION[session] == (1 / model.SESSION_DURATION[session]) * \
sum([model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case, session]*model.CASE_DURATION[case] for case in model.CASES])
model.THEATRE_UTIL = pe.Constraint(model.SESSIONS, rule=theatre_util)
def cancel_sessions(model, session): # TODO
return model.CANCEL_SESSION[session] <= 1 - model.M*sum([model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case, session] for case in model.CASES])
model.SET_CANCEL_SESSIONS = pe.Constraint(model.SESSIONS, rule=cancel_sessions)
def force_cancel_sessions(model, session):
return sum([model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case, session] for case in model.CASES]) <= 0 + model.M*(1-model.CANCEL_SESSION[session])
#model.FORCE_CANCEL_SESSIONS = pe.Constraint(model.SESSIONS, rule=force_cancel_sessions)
def set_dummy_variable(model):
return sum([model.DUMMY_BINARY[session] for session in model.SESSIONS]) == np.floor(num_sessions/2)
model.FLOOR = pe.Constraint(rule=set_dummy_variable)
def set_median_util(model, session):
return model.MEDIAN_UTIL <= model.UTILISATION[session] + model.DUMMY_BINARY[session]*model.M
model.SET_MEDIAN_UTIL = pe.Constraint(model.SESSIONS, rule=set_median_util)
return model
def solve(self, solver_name, options=None, solver_path=None):
if solver_path is not None:
solver = pe.SolverFactory(solver_name, executable=solver_path)
solver = pe.SolverFactory(solver_name)
# TODO remove - too similar to alstom
if options is not None:
for key, value in options.items():
solver.options[key] = value
solver_results = solver.solve(self.model, tee=True)
results = [{"Case": case,
"Session": session,
"Start": self.model.CASE_START_TIME[case, session](),
"Assignment": self.model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case, session]()}
for (case, session) in self.model.TASKS]
self.df_times = pd.DataFrame(results)
all_cases = self.model.CASES.value_list
cases_assigned = []
cases_missed = []
for (case, session) in self.model.SESSION_ASSIGNED:
if self.model.SESSION_ASSIGNED[case, session] == 1:
cases_missed = list(set(all_cases).difference(cases_assigned))
print("Number of cases assigned = {} out of {}:".format(len(cases_assigned), len(all_cases)))
print("Cases assigned: ", cases_assigned)
print("Number of cases missed = {} out of {}:".format(len(cases_missed), len(all_cases)))
print("Cases missed: ", cases_missed)
print("Total Utilisation = {}".format(sum(self.model.UTILISATION.get_values().values())))
print("Number of constraints = {}".format(solver_results["Problem"].__getitem__(0)["Number of constraints"]))
def draw_gantt(self):
df = self.df_times[self.df_times["Assignment"] == 1]
cases = sorted(list(df['Case'].unique()))
sessions = sorted(list(df['Session'].unique()))
bar_style = {'alpha': 1.0, 'lw': 25, 'solid_capstyle': 'butt'}
text_style = {'color': 'white', 'weight': 'bold', 'ha': 'center', 'va': 'center'}
colors = cm.Dark2.colors
df.sort_values(by=['Case', 'Session'])
df.set_index(['Case', 'Session'], inplace=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
for c_ix, c in enumerate(cases, 1):
for s_ix, s in enumerate(sessions, 1):
if (c, s) in df.index:
xs = df.loc[(c, s), 'Start']
xf = df.loc[(c, s), 'Start'] + \
self.df_cases[self.df_cases["CaseID"] == c]["Median Duration"]
ax.plot([xs, xf], [s] * 2, c=colors[c_ix % 7], **bar_style)
ax.text((xs + xf) / 2, s, c, **text_style)
ax.set_title('Session Schedule')
if __name__ == "__main__":
case_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), "data", "case_data_long.csv")
session_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), "data", "session_data.csv")
cbc_path = "C:\\Users\\LONLW15\\Documents\\Linear Programming\\Solvers\\cbc.exe"
options = {"seconds": 30}
scheduler = TheatreScheduler(case_file_path=case_path, session_file_path=session_path)
scheduler.solve(solver_name="cbc", solver_path=cbc_path, options=options)