#!/bin/bash # Export the environment variables if [ ! -f ".env" ]; then echo "The .env file does not exist, please make a copy of default.env into .env and adjust its contents before proceeding." exit 1 fi export $(cat .env) # Create new systemd file touch /etc/systemd/system/bluewind.service # Fill in the systemd file echo -e """[Unit] Description=Flask Application After=multi-user.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=$(pwd)/.venv/bin/python3 $(pwd)/main.py Restart=always Environment="FLASK_ADDRESS=$(echo $FLASK_ADDRESS)" Environment="FLASK_URL=$(echo $FLASK_URL)" [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/bluewind.service # Reload systemd unit, start and enable the service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable bluewind.service systemctl start bluewind.service